Affirmation: I Am Comfortable Making Mistakes

I am comfortable making mistakes.

Making mistakes is just part of life. I am unafraid of making mistakes because they provide the best opportunity for improvement.

It is impossible to predict what will happen with absolute certainty. The best alternative is to make my best guess, test it, and see what happens.

I know that the more errors I make, the better I eventually become.

If I am willing to learn from my mistakes, I grow as a person. I become more capable and informed in the process. Mistakes are a tool I use to better myself and my life.

I avoid making my mistakes personal. A mistake is simply an incorrect guess. It is an undesired result.

I am okay with making mistakes. In fact, it could benefit me to err quickly and often. That is the fastest way to improve.

I refuse to make a mistake twice. That is one of my rules in life. A repeated mistake is unacceptable in my eyes.

Unlike many people, I learn from my errors and take steps to avoid making the same one over and over.

Today, I am willing to make as many mistakes as it takes to be successful. I am comfortable with all the mistakes I might make today. I can be better at the end of the day than I am right now because of my mistakes.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is the biggest mistake I’ve made in the last week? What did I learn from it?

  2. How would my life change for the better if I were willing to make more mistakes?

  3. Am I afraid of making mistakes? If so, why?


Affirmation: I Accept My Quirks as Part of My Personality


Affirmation: Letting Go of Past Mistakes Boosts My Confidence